Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ango-Saxons Blog

When looking back at the beliefs of epic hero's through time, I have found that the persona of a hero stayed the same. Although some things were different such as now we believe in our hero's were super fanisized and fictional, and in this story they came to believe that their super human hero's were real. One of the most biggest tribunes to being a past time hero would be to protect the king at all cost, and to be willing to die in honor of their towns. That is a way that the hero's are the same, because heros in presnt times have to be willing to protect the town when in need. Although many of the epic hero's were based on fictional characters they all represnt human life in some sort of way.
The hero's in this story were nonfictional to the people in this story. They believed in them 100 percent, and knew that their eppic hero Ango-Saxon would protect them as much as possible. This epic hero Gilgamesh was born into an arrogant kingship, and had got brought down off the thrown. The ex-king had to humble himself to a pilgram. He is one of the origional hero's of the past, because his common faith of man.
I think it depends on the super hero that your talking about to beable to compare and contrast the diffrences of past and presnt. In this case I will be talking about Ango-Saxons and Superman. Superman happens to be a fictional character. He has the abitily to fly, and has super strength. Which is exactly like I said before of how hero's of the presnt are fanasized. Ango-Saxons on the other hand was a hero because of the faith the town had in him, and because of his courage and regular human strength.

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