Monday, May 24, 2010


With all the wonderful things this class has accomplished together there has to be so many things each student could write about. Since everyone has there own special accomplishments in this class it will all be different. I have a few things that I would say are my favorite parts about this class. One of the few would be my wiki, I was the very first WIKI MASTER in this class. That was a great accomplishment, because everyone was racing to get it and it was me who achieved it first.
Another great moment for me would have to be being apart of the "Stop the Hate Rally" in Charleston. This was a inspiration, and I was very happy to be the one to write a blog post on my experiences with that. The way our state could come together and work through tough times. <-Check it out!
My number one total greatest accomplishment would have to be the final product. I'm sure this would have to be on just about every single persons' post. It was such a relief to say I am finished, and an even greater joy to say that my partner and I have created a game. So this for sure made us more confident in ourselves, and for me at least made me excited to present in front of all the Gobalorian's of the world. I would definitely say my partner and I did excellent on our project, and in the class in general. I won't be able to ever forget this experience with Globaloria, and the people that made better than it could ever be. (My partner Ashley, Chez, and everyone with Globaloria) I hate to say it but this will probably be my last post.
Good-Bye Globaloria! :]
Final Product: ^^^^

Friday, May 7, 2010

Reviewing Team Pages

The first team that I viewed were the team of "Pinky & The Brain," which is Amy and Katie. For one I thought the name of their team was great and funny, and I got a laugh out of it. Even though their name was good this blog is about the games the teams have came up with. There game wasn't fully completed or they just didn't complete the uploading process. The parts that they had uploaded were quite amazing. Actually amazing is and understatement. I could tell there was a ton of time put into this. Everything was bright and neat, and it all made sense. I cant wait to see the final game once it is all uploaded. I know it will be great, no complaints. The second game I chose to review was the team of "JESSAMIAH" which are the people of Jessica and Jeremiah.!
They did actually have their whole game uploaded so I got to play the whole game. There game as a whole was kind of hard to be honest, but i had to play it again. Even though I did worse the second time I played I really liked it. Since I set right beside these two I knew for a fact there was a ton of time put into this. One thing i would say to change would be to slow down the pieces a bit, or you could maybe make to where you eventually win. Overall I was very impressed.