Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Button Blog

This button making activity was on Flash, which I must say that I made it more difficult than it should have been. Without fully listening, I tried to teach myself. Basically, I was winging it. Once my partner and I drew our pictures we started to my our "button" work. This process was complicated at first, but when I thought about it after I was done and realized I was stupid. Making the button work is actually the easiest process in all of Flash. All you have to do is use your clicker, and choose "modify" at the top, and convert to symbol. Once the box pops up you have to choose the bullet "button" and rename your object. After you are finished you have to upload them onto your team pages. And that's it! So easy a caveman could do it!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Paper Prototype

In this activity, called the "paper prototype" my partner Ashely and I, decided to create sketches on computer paper of our ideals for our game.
-First we had to come up with a game that we would want to do, and brainstorm the steps of the game to make the paper prototype. We came up with the name of our game as "Are you a Rotten Apple?"
-The second step would be jotting down drawing of the steps to get a general idea of what we would want it to look like.
-Step number three would be actually drawing out the paper prototype and getting in down exactly how we wanted it. In this step we started decorating it to make it have some pzazz.
-The fourth step is to record the video of your paper prototype.
-The last and fifth step is to upload it to your wiki page, which is not completed by us, because we are waiting to learn how to do it.
Just because you make your paper prototype doesn't mean that you can't ever make adjustment. You can always change something in your game to make it better. This is just getting everything started. I think this is probably the easiest part of making your game, because I know it's going to get harder.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Planning Our Game

Ashley and I decided not to give out any certain roles for our game, because we thought it would be better to put both of our ideas in everything we do. With both of our input in each aspect we do our game would be that much better. We just throw around ideas off the top of our heads, just to brainstorm. Both of us are open to any suggestions that the other has, so there is no headbutting between us. The most exciting thing im looking foward to in creating this game would have to be the part when were going to have to play it at the end. On the other hand I would say my least favorite part that I am not looking foward to would be putting every single code in, because I know it's going to take a lot of work. The inspiration to our game would have to be the importance of education, and how no one takes it serious anymore.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Canterbury Tales

Through the many different characters of "The Canterbury Tales" all of them seem to have a different meaning in their life, or have a different way they live. The story as a whole has to do with the different lives of pilgrims and what they do to get to Canterbury, London. The stories starts off at Tabard Inn in Southwark, London, where a group of twenty-nine pilgrims plan to descend to Canterbury. Within the story it talks about the social ranking of each pilgrim on the journey.
The tales of the character's start out with the Knight, who is noble to his country. He is said to have an "outstanding reputation" in every country he has defended. The Knight is known as a worthy man, with high standards. His clothing consisted of a tunic with stained rust from his weapon. The Nobel Knight brought two other pilgrims along on the trip by his side. One of the characters that is talked about is the Squire, which is one of the other pilgrims the Knight brought along with him. He is known to be a bachelor, at the age of twenty. The squire was always singing and playing the flute. Another person the Knight brought along was The Yeoman. He is the man who carries all the weapons, such as arrows, sword, and dagger.
Now to talk about one of my favorite characters, the Nun. This Nun wasn't like any other Nun, because this Nun was a swearing one. Apparently her favorite saying was "By St. Loy." I think the Nun made this story all the better, because she gave a sense of humor to it. Another good character in the story was The Monk. He was a sported man who rode a horse, and is said to be "as swift as birds." The last pilgrim that I am going to talk about is the Lawyer. He is said to be wary and wise, with a noted excellence. He is the one who teaches, or the one someone goes to with a question. The Lawyers knows every judgment, case, and crime that's recorded. He is dressed in a coat and silk.
There was an importance in every character from the story. I believe that each one had someone to balance them out, or they all could balance each other out. The society in the story and the society in real life are basically the same. The people now seem to be the same, besides the pilgrams parts, and carrying weapons. Through the secioty parts it is the same. Meaning the world hasn't change much. For an example having a hypocritical Nun. Now for the last question, with in desiging our own game. For one i believe the game comes from our own character, and the way we make up the difrent players comes from how we act. So meaning characterization isnt only good from movies, or the gaming world. It's important in real life too. :]