Monday, May 24, 2010


With all the wonderful things this class has accomplished together there has to be so many things each student could write about. Since everyone has there own special accomplishments in this class it will all be different. I have a few things that I would say are my favorite parts about this class. One of the few would be my wiki, I was the very first WIKI MASTER in this class. That was a great accomplishment, because everyone was racing to get it and it was me who achieved it first.
Another great moment for me would have to be being apart of the "Stop the Hate Rally" in Charleston. This was a inspiration, and I was very happy to be the one to write a blog post on my experiences with that. The way our state could come together and work through tough times. <-Check it out!
My number one total greatest accomplishment would have to be the final product. I'm sure this would have to be on just about every single persons' post. It was such a relief to say I am finished, and an even greater joy to say that my partner and I have created a game. So this for sure made us more confident in ourselves, and for me at least made me excited to present in front of all the Gobalorian's of the world. I would definitely say my partner and I did excellent on our project, and in the class in general. I won't be able to ever forget this experience with Globaloria, and the people that made better than it could ever be. (My partner Ashley, Chez, and everyone with Globaloria) I hate to say it but this will probably be my last post.
Good-Bye Globaloria! :]
Final Product: ^^^^

Friday, May 7, 2010

Reviewing Team Pages

The first team that I viewed were the team of "Pinky & The Brain," which is Amy and Katie. For one I thought the name of their team was great and funny, and I got a laugh out of it. Even though their name was good this blog is about the games the teams have came up with. There game wasn't fully completed or they just didn't complete the uploading process. The parts that they had uploaded were quite amazing. Actually amazing is and understatement. I could tell there was a ton of time put into this. Everything was bright and neat, and it all made sense. I cant wait to see the final game once it is all uploaded. I know it will be great, no complaints. The second game I chose to review was the team of "JESSAMIAH" which are the people of Jessica and Jeremiah.!
They did actually have their whole game uploaded so I got to play the whole game. There game as a whole was kind of hard to be honest, but i had to play it again. Even though I did worse the second time I played I really liked it. Since I set right beside these two I knew for a fact there was a ton of time put into this. One thing i would say to change would be to slow down the pieces a bit, or you could maybe make to where you eventually win. Overall I was very impressed.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Group Chat!

My partners in the group chat were Katie, Destyne, and Tiffany. I was the one to set up the group chat to get everyone talking to each other on one thing. The first thing that we decided upon was what part each person was going to. It was decided that Tiffany would do poem one, Katie would do poem two, I would do poem three, and Destyne would be the one to always ask questions. In each of our summaries we made it at least one paragraph, and were on point with each other. This activity was so fun, and none of us even realized that the time flew by. Also no one even knew that you could do group chats, which was a fun new thing to try. The fonts on the chats even had smiley faces and hearts that would turn into a cartoon. This was a good group activity and I wouldn't mind doing something like this again.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Stop The Hate Rally

My experience within the "Stop The Hate Rally" was ultimately outstanding. To see all kinds of people come out to support just made it all the better. Just about every person that was there was basically jumping with joy. From seeing everyone dance to "Country Roads" to the hilarious signs that the supporters were holding made a smile come on my face. Also just about every vehicle that went by would honk their horns to show how they cared. Just seeing the smile's on every face made me realize why I like it here. This place is not just home to me, it's a comfort zone that will always be apart of me. West Virginia isn't a bad place to be, just like every state we have few problems but we have just shown that we can all come together in a time of crisis. Everyone has been concentrating on the hate they have for the protesters that came from Kansas, but i think we need to focus on not letting them get what they want out of us. If we wouldn't have shown that we give a hoot of what they think of us that would give them more of a reason to leave. Since they got a reaction out of us that convinces then to stay even longer than needed. All in all I am so proud of the people of West Virginia, because we are all family in heart and we will always be there for one another. We are all West Virginians and I am proud to be apart of the wild and wonderful.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

West Virginia :]

There is many views of West Virginia that come from many different kinds of people. The views of outsiders are somewhat mostly negative, but that's from not coming into the state and having any experience in this beautiful area. I know not everyone would like it here, because people that live here now dislike it a lot. We aren't viewed very nicely by the other states. For one we are never our own state. It's always western Virginia. Also were know for having relations within our family, and/or being hillbilly's. My views of West Virginia are positive, because to me this is a comfort zone. For one it's beautiful, but it keeps us safe too. Sometimes the mountains are not a help, but a lot of the time they keep us safe. A very important resource comes from this state, which is coal. The people of West Virginia risk their lives for our coal, such as coal miners. Here recently there has been an accident within the coal mines. An explosion has occurred that has left several tragic deaths of close ones to people around me. I wasn't close with any of the miners that have passed but I still feel for their friends and families. This accident has brought great heart ache to those around me, and I pray for them all. For more information about this accident go to this website :

Monday, April 5, 2010

PJ Post!

Basically I'm going to start out by saying that PJ is a whizz at this computer stuff. He could just write down the codes off the top of his head to put in Flash. PJ was great help, because he offered to go around to the different groups to help them individually. Which was great. If only he was in our actual class it would help a lot. So he could be there everyday when we needed help. Even though I still don't completely understand everything about Flash, he did help quite a bit. My partner, Ashley, gets it way more than I do. So I think that she will be the one working on the codes. The thing i got the most when PJ helped the class would be when he worked with us as a whole on changing the red box to a blue box. Thank you PJ for all your help. :]

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Button Blog

This button making activity was on Flash, which I must say that I made it more difficult than it should have been. Without fully listening, I tried to teach myself. Basically, I was winging it. Once my partner and I drew our pictures we started to my our "button" work. This process was complicated at first, but when I thought about it after I was done and realized I was stupid. Making the button work is actually the easiest process in all of Flash. All you have to do is use your clicker, and choose "modify" at the top, and convert to symbol. Once the box pops up you have to choose the bullet "button" and rename your object. After you are finished you have to upload them onto your team pages. And that's it! So easy a caveman could do it!